About Carly

A Child with Many Special Needs
Carly was born Bi-Lateral Cleft Lip and Palate, at 6 months she was diagnosed with epilepsy, then two brain surgeries to remove tumors, intellectual disability, autism, scoliosis, hypotonia, non-verbal, popping in knees and hip joints, constant rashes, insulin resistance, and an enlarged right ventricle. This list of comorbid conditions was tested for genetic mutations and a diagnosis of DDX3X Mutation finally came as a result. One copy of her X genes is mutated and everything in her body and brain is slightly affected. 

She is the face of Autism, of the Non-Verbal Communities in San Diego, of DDX3X, and now the face of hope. There are thousands of children like Carly, and if her life means something... it is that together with your support, we can advance science and see to improvements of this condition and thousands of variations like it! Join the Coalition and donate today! 



Carly Clapping to a Song

Carly's first time walking