"Carly's Cause is dedicated to providing technology, therapeutic services, and financial assistance to children with physical disabilities and neurological disorders."


Carly's Cause will be a resource for families and children with disabilities. We will advocate for rights and support the well-being of parents and children affected with physical disabilities and/or neurological disorders.  


  • Children receive equal opportunities
    - Accept all persons regardless of differences
    - Demonstrate professionalism
    - Honor cultural differences
    - Appreciate diverse backgrounds
    - Create a group conscious

Carly's Cause was founded in 2014 with the support and mentorship of the late Frank Shankwitz- Founder of the Make-a-Wish Foundation and Ron Klein- inventor of the magnetic strip on credit cards. Initially we set out to provide iPads to children who were nonverbal, and to teach communication techniques to parents and teachers. As the company progressed, we created programs to teach inclusion through music and art, and established a Parent Support Group. As we continue to grow, we hope to expand our relationships and reach within the community in San Diego County.